So, went to Ubin, again, on 221209. This time with my brother. To play with the bike trail there. Quite tiring. We didn't exactly do everything. But took us 'bout 2 to 3 hours to go one round.
After that, went to watch "Avatar". And I give it a three thumbs up if I could. Seriously, I could watch it over & over & over & over... You get the idea.
Amazingly, we had like, went around in our attire. Sweat, mud. Yucks, I know.

And well. I don't know why I'd named this post so. Kind of, can't remember. But I do know what's it's about. Exact details. Don't ask me. But well, remember that friend of mine I'd mentioned about 1 or 2 post(s) back? Well, she's seen some pretty confusing matters on that dude's blog. I read it myself. And it's really ambiguous. That's the problem with blogs, see. People go about ranting & lamenting & whatever-it-is-that-they-do on their blogs. But it's never arrowed at one event. Yeah, I know I'm like that too. Thanks for the reminder.
Ah well... I really have no idea what to say to her anymore. I'm at a loss myself here. If only everything's so much simpler. Like a fairytale. Hahaha. And we'll always have a happily ever after.
Below: Present I'd gave for someone. Cuteness to the max. Hahaha.

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