星期四, 四月 01, 2010


This post is in no relation to anyone out there and is purely hypothetical. Any resemblance or matters relating to it, are purely coincidence.

But of course, the idea of this post draws from Sista's post. Heheh...

Why is it that sometimes, males are so dependent on their female counterparts? Sometimes, just sometimes, it's kind of like a matter of life & death.

Then again, perhaps males are just humans too. They need someone for emotional support and the likes. And I suppose that's where the females come in. After all, most males out there aren't the best of... Erm... What's that you call it. Eh... Emotions-related-topics-mate? Something like that. Haha.

I mean. Females have their own gang to be in comfort with. But you don't see males doing that, do you? I think it all goes back to a very primal & basic instinct kind of thing. It's seen as a kind of weakness. Is that right? I've no idea. Just thinking aloud here.

I would like to add more. But, looking at time right now. I believe whatever comes next will just be a string of nonsense which makes no link at all. So, enough for now.



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