Scatter Brain
I don't get it. Blogger not allowing me to upload any photos. And... I just forgot what I wanted to blog about after I'd showered.

Okay. I'd completed a game in 2 days? It's an okay game, I guess. Out of 10, I'll give it 6 or 6½. Should be made a movie, instead of a game. Basically, it's kind of like a... Highs school/University thriller-horror genre game. Okay on the 1st play. But not much of a re-playability value. So, now that I'm done with this game, I'm going to go back to the shop and change it for another (better one, hopefully) game.
Got another game. This one's more fun though. Tenchu: Shadow Assasin.

I kind of suck at stealth games. And games that requires timing. But I still think it's a good game. I'll probably be spending tonnes of time, replaying it so that i can get a better rating in the game.
And I've yet to watch Prince of Persia.
And damn. I keep forgetting what I want to blog down. Argh. It's starting to get on my nerves, 'cos it's not just one or two times. It's been a few times. In a row. Part of the reason why my blog's been kind of stagnant for a while.
Fine. Since I can't recall what I wanted to blog about. I shall put some random stuff here. Damn it.
Okay. So, recently, I've been quite hooked onto old songs. 1930s to 1950s jazzy old songs. It all started one fine day. When Jie, Vic & I went out for brunch. Then we strolled along the street, ventured into this shop, and it was playing this song. They say by Billie Holiday. So, I've a few of this type of songs now. I'm loving the tune, the mood, the groove. It has this phenomenal feel to it. And I realised it's quite difficult to find such songs on the net.
Another thing, hopefully, I will clean up the house. It's getting into... Quite an atrocious state. There's... Erm... O.M.G. I can't bring myself to say it. It's too gross. And then there's the outer compound as well. Grass, ant trails. It's getting on my nerves. But there's almost nothing I can do about the grass now. Unless I burn it.
Also, to get a job. Yes, still jobless-hunting.
Clean up the oven. So I can get to eat (hopefully) some yummy food.
This is turning into some, winter resolution list.
Workout more. So that I can return to Singapore without the insulation around me.
Start drawing.
And I guess that's pretty much it for what I want to do during winter. Oh. And perhaps give Rottnest a go.
I shall go to sleep now. Need to wake up early tomorrow since I'm leaving with Jie early in the morning tomorrow. And. Uber good luck to Vic if she forget her keys again, should she be returning in the morning or afternoon.
So, then. Good night.
Oh, and thanks for the thoughts Audrey & Valerie. Too bad, it's a one sided thing. ʘ‿ʘ
Just kidding. You girls are missed dearly. ツ
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