星期三, 五月 12, 2010

Busy times. Finally.

Ah. Sickening. Number of stuff to do over this week. First thing, I've got to finish up a SketchUp model by Friday. And I'm like totally new to SketchUp. Okay, I admit. I sort of did procrastinate a bit. BUT. Even if I didn't, it doesn't matter. Because what I had in mind, was totally different from the tutor's objective. So, thank goodness.

Then, there's the group presentation on Friday which I have not even prepare for. And damn it. I hate doing presentation here. Haha. And also, by Friday, I need to have adequate research materials for the case study, mock-up, negotiation conference/meeting. And all of these stuff. They're graded. Yes. OMG.

Then, next Tuesday, got this individual presentation to do. I'm not complaining. I just don't like to rush stuff. Why can't there be a Wedursday just for this week. Hahaha.

On the bright side, at least after next week, things should mellow down a bit. Except for that disgusting unit where we'll need to do a model. I hope.



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