Alright, what now. I'm having Batman & Prince of Persia fever. I'm feeling like I'm Batman, 'cos of my wallpaper. It just look freaking awesome. Then Prince of Persia 'cos I've been attacking the game for some time now. Seriously, if I were a small little kid, I'll probably be wanting to wear Batman's or the Prince's costume. Hah.
And maybe break a bone or two by attempting to try their crazy acrobatic moves.
So... It's been raining for the most part of the day. I'm not complaining. I like rainy days. It sets me in the mood to nua, be emo, get pondering or reflect. Not much chance to pick, it's kind of random. Really see what mood I'm in for the day.
And I kind of think that, whatever we study, is actually a lot more boring than what that line of work is like. As in, the job itself is actually pretty interesting and all. But the process of getting into that profession, studying and such, is most of the time dull & mundane.
Then again, as one of my lecturer had put it from another source, university/tertiary studies isn't really about, how should I put it, teaching students the know-how of being in a line of work. The technicality of the work & such. That is mostly the work of the company itself. Rather, university is more about equipping students with the ability to think.
And I strongly believe that it should be this way as well. Of course, there is still technical knowledge & skills that the university is required to teach. Like architecture drawings, planning laws, etc. 'Cos, really, when we go out into the economy, different companies have different practices. And within that, different mentors will have different approaches. So, it's really quite impossible for university to get us off our feet into the the economy on day one.
And I guess, after my brother showed me this link from Singapore government career website, I got more or less at ease with my course. Although I was pretty sure that what I study here will be relevant to Singapore's context. But when I had compared my course syllabus with Singapore's syllabus, it's quite different. Singapore's course is known as Real Estates. Yea, I know. Mine sounds way cooler than that. Hahaha.
Anyway, I wouldn't say huge discrepancies. But it was big enough to set me pondering. But after today, I guess my doubts & questions were pretty much answered. For the website had stated a degree in a few different courses as a requirement. And Urban & Regional Planning was part of them. Boo-ya! So, thanks to him for whatever reason that he happened to chance upon that article.
And so well, my dear friends. What kind of a job will you be applying for when you head out to the workforce? You know, the thought of it always get me excited & picture how the future will be like. Every time I think of the future, I'll always be bouncing on my feet if I'm standing. Or bouncing in my chair if I'm seated. It's just so exciting, isn't it, the future?
And, oh... Thinking about me & my friends in the future. I guess that we may pretty much be adults in age & all, but I'm betting we'll still be like kids when we meet up.
Back to academic stuff, I'd always question myself, what exactly is the bloody hell in the world higher order thinking or think in-depth? It's like, I've been told that it's something important for higher education & for a good job in the workforce. But, unfortunately, I've never been able to grasp the concept of thinking in-depth.
Some had say it's answering the questions: who, what, when, where, why & how. Especially on the why & how part. But, but, but, I would like to think that there is more to this than the in-depth. If this is just it, then, frankly, I'm pretty disappointed and feel cheated. Haha.
But, yeah. Perhaps it's considering those questions, plus, an all-round view of the issue/scenario/situation/case at hand. And analysing the reasons/sources/factors behind it. Then, from what you have gathered, arriving at a solution. And for the ultimate students, it's not just arriving at a solution, it's coming out with the best solution out of a worst case scenario kind of thing.
But come to think about it. The underlying questions still go back to why & how. Irritating. Maybe one day, when I'm established enough, well-known enough, reputable enough, I'll come out with a new question word for students of the future to ponder on. Maybe something like, "Wassup". "Wassup is the current situation of Singapore youngsters?" "Wassup they are getting from bad to worse in matters of discipline?" Yeah right, who am I kidding.
It's still raining out. And I think I'll head to bed pretty soon.
Oh, and for those who managed to read this far. If you own a blog, or use to, maybe you want to try reading your older posts when you're free. Read through from the first to the last/latest/recent posts. Hahaha. I did a bit of archive reading today. It was... Erm... A rather horrible experience. I didn't know whether to laugh or to shrink at what I had posted in the past.
And well, for me, the most interesting part was the style of writing which had changed over the years. Heheh. And, of course, the context of the posts.
And apologies for the super long post without any photos/pictures. I'll try to include at least one picture in each post next time. May they be relevant or not.
Well, that's that for now.