It's Raining.
Don't you dare think I'm so free to blog every now & then now. I have a lot of stuff to do actually. It's just that today's my free day, and it's raining, so, not really in the mood to be doing any work.
In compensation, I'll be staying back at school tomorrow to re-organise myself, set things straight, and get started on a few assignments. That's the goal for tomorrow.
And come to think of it. I'd never stayed back in school before. Not since I went into university. Goes to show how much of a slacker I am. And to think I was so determined to work hard for university. Academics is just not my cup of tea I suppose. Still, I think there's a slight difference in my attitude towards academic now. It's like, at least now, I take my assignments seriously & not just do a swishy-washy one.

And... I still think my wallpaper is freaking cool. Saves energy too. Haha. As in, seriously. 'Cos displaying black is more energy saving than displaying white.
Talking about energy, I'd watched a video in one of my lectures last week. I think it's a rather alarming video. Personally, I find it to be way too one-sided and all. But, matter of fact is, it just might happen.
So, the video is basically about energy. Energy as in natural gas, fuel, oil. And as much as there are other sources of energy like nuclear, kinetic, solar, hydrogen gas, it's just not as efficient as natural gas. Maybe nuclear is the way to go in the future. Who knows? And it also mentioned a lot on the American suburbs. How energy wasteful they are. And come to think of it, I couldn't agree more.
Sure, suburbs are great to live in and all. Big home, big land, very low density. But the energy required to power these homes, move these people around, is just. Massive.
I think the video was made specially to appear very alarming and such. So to serve as a wake up call for everyone. Oh, and the part about how oil/gas wells has a peak production then it starts to decline. I think that's the scariest part. 'Cos when that happens, it will most probably raise the prices of utilities.
No!! I don't want to live in the 21st Century anymore. Maybe it won't be that bad for my generation of people. But I don't think I will want to have children anymore. I don't want them to suffer in the future. It's just too unpredictable. Not unless if I become filthy rich, rich enough to last about 2 or 3 lifetime.

The recent hoo-hah about photos between me, sister & my very first & longest buddy of mine got me pretty excited about photography.
Me and him were saying that we should meet up when I'm back, then go for photographing together. Haha. So, maybe can drag sister along as well. Wahahahaha. Though I must say, I'm not all that confident in my skills. In fact, I'm not even sure if I can do great photography at all. It's just something like an interest, that's all.
Then again, it'll be really cool if for one day, a few friends could just go on a road trip around Singapore & take photos.
In between writing this post, went around on Facebook as well. Saw a photo of my friend on her blog ('cos she had linked her blog to Facebook, really, it's like, nowadays, you can link almost anything on the net to Twitter, Facebook, Digg, etc.). So, she's an intern teacher. And, seeing that photo, makes me think back on how I had wanted to go NIE as well. But then, there was my aunt pretty much opposing my idea of heading there.
I like kids, not as a pedophile. That's a fact. And well, I think a being a teacher ain't all that bad, really. I think it's quite fun too. Just that, perhaps I won't earn as much as a planner. Hah. But hey, that's just my speculation.

Hahaha. I was tempted to put up Sec 3's Racial Harmony day's photo. But I'll leave that for a few more years later...
Well, secondary school was really one of the best times of my life.
Besides NS. I'll leave that part for another rainy day.
I suppose it was really secondary school which created the foundation of me for the me today. All the fun & togetherness of my class in secondary school. Really, I think that is the thing which still makes me hold on so dear to friendships.
And... I forgot what I wanted to say. But well, my friends are great. They're the next closest thing I have to a family, besides the family itself (it's pretty much self-explanatory, right?). Does that make any sense? I know I suck at showing gratitude & appreciation. But, thanks people.
Nice. I'd finally managed to change the width of my blog. Broader now for bigger photos. Don't like it? Let me know, I'll change it back or something new. Hahaha.
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