星期三, 七月 14, 2010


I've no idea why, but working 4 to 5 days a week, it's kind of taking a little toll on me. It's like, I feel tired each time I get home.

And... No pictures today. I wished I could take a picture of the container though, with some of them boxes inside. Hahaha.

So... Erm... Back to topic. Working. It's not that I hate it. It gives me some income, so, I'm all good. Just got to pull through. Just have it to take it like some 1 month outfield mission. Okay. Actually, that's more tiring.

Just the other day, was on Skype with Papa. I believed it was around 1800+hours. It just felt weird. 'Cos it's like, totally dark-night over here, yet it's bright as day over there. Although the time is the same, the lighting is totally different. Strange new experience.

Got my results from Semester 1 back. I think I did pretty decent. Though hoped that one of my units did better.

What else... What else...

Watched "Predators" yesterday. And damn, it's awesome. Action from start to end. Suspense that kills. It's like "Van Helsing". Action, action, action. Bam, boom, pow.



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