We are still Spartans!
I'll be on my tuition free week next week. Basically, means holiday. However, there's a shit load of work to do. Sadded...
Was at Dalvin's place, celebrating her birthday.
Though it was Dalvin's birthday, I'm guessing Desmond was the one who was the happiest. Hahaha. 'Cos he had people to drink & smoke with him. I was like, wow. Heheh.
And... Went for a run a few days back. The weather was absolutely beautiful. And I've no idea if it's me or I did the timing wrongly, but it took me a shorter time to complete the distance. I'm blaming it on the weather. Hahaha
Oh, and I found out that I can just barely squeeze out 10 pull-ups now. Damn it.
Right, enough said, photos.
And Blogger's lousy. I can only upload up to 3 photos at a time. Anymore, it always comes up with this "Error Bad Request" thingy. It's rather irritating.
Oh, by the way, the photos aren't in chronological order.
And did I mention that Kor-Kor (another cousin of mine) is here in Perth with us now? Yup. 4 in the house. And Mama's coming over in... Erm... October I think? Yup.
And oh, one of my uncle, he had undergo this major operation, which was potentially life threatening. Glad that's over now. But the scar looks kind of scary. It was huge.
Is it just me... Or is it. Nevermind.
Oh! Oh! Recently, actually, tonight, had this fellow named Koh Han Rui Henry from ZHSS, 2E5 2003, he left me a message on Facebook. Well, it's to do with this grads' reunion for the batch of 2005 ('cos we didn't had a prom & there wasn't like a proper see-off/send-off thingy). I was the one driving it, along with lots of help from my buddies.
Anyway, I'm getting out of point here. Thing is, I think he thinks I'm a teacher! Hahaha. Damn it. 'Cos he mentioned that it's Teachers' Day soon, but he can't get back and visit due to national duties. So, he wished me "Happy Teachers' Day". I've no idea to laugh, or to cry. Hahaha.
And at Dalvin's birthday, was drinking with Desmond. Well, Kor & Victoria had a lot more to drink than me. But I really couldn't take it 'cos I was way too full for any hard liquor. I think Shermin would have love it though. Hahaha. The drinks were really strong. And they went without mixers, by the shots. I never had a tougher drinking session before. Wahahaha. But it was pretty fun.
Alright, that's that. Got to wake up in the morning tomorrow to get started on my essay. 1500 words. By Wednesday. *Dreads*
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