Okay, quick update. Thursday, school. Only had assembly, GP, chemistry & geography tutorial. There was a big gap between GP and the rest, so gave 'em all a skip. Friday, was boring. Too much breaks I reckon. It's irritating, especially when you wanna go home & get started on revision.
Saturday was absolutely awesome. Learned Jive & my legs got all sore. But still, managed to get myself dragging to sista's 'surprise' belated-birthday celebrations. *sticks tongue* Went to Haji Lane and well, it was a pretty neat place... I suppose we're going to hang out there more often now... *smile*

but a bit too much.. =X

There's us

There's a reason why they call it camwhore... =P
Then Sunday. 2 birthday celebrations. One, Martin's. Two, Meixing's. Sorry Martin, but I've got to make a choice. *crossed-mouthed* So, for hers, it was basically a hunting game for her to pick up her presents. After that, went eating at Hong Kong Cafe at Cine, then decided to chill somewhere. Night was still young when most left, leaving Keith, Jerome, Meixing & 2 of her friends. Fullerton Hotel & did some pretty retarded stuff over there. *faint* Crazy stunts that teenagers do. Once again, shall upload some photos once I have some.
Monday, which was yesterday, went for practice session. Saw Alvin in the toilet! *laughs* It was kinda surprising. Heheh. Gosh, didn't realise Peter could be such a killer. Didn't leave the place till 2230. Reached home at 2300. Slept at 0000. Usual time, but was exceptionally tired. Sigh~ And I've still got school the next day. But oh well...
So, been realising my life's suddenly seem to be revolving around Dance & activities with the Usuals & Muggers United.
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