Work, work, work.

I'm not too sure if there was anything like this in Singapore before. But this is freaking cute.
So, it's been quite some time since I've updated. Sometimes, it's not that I don't want to. But just that I can't find the moment. Or rather, feel the moment to. I hope I'm not growing out of blogging though, 'cos it will be a pity (to me) if I do. Then, I won't have any platform for me to refer to my past & reflect upon it a few years down the road.
Anyway, some photos to tag along with updates.
That's that for the photos update.
There's a few more photos. Stored in my phone, but not transferred to the computer yet. The next time perhaps.
Have been working for the past week & supposed I will be doing so this week. Then that will leave me with approximately 2 weeks before I return to Singapore. Wondering if I should continue looking for another job during this short duration of 2 weeks. Then again, I think I probably should.
Oh, and Jie came back from Shanghai with a box of "Bones" DVD. So am going to chase the series now. Hahaha. Though I've been feeling sleepy & somewhat tired when night falls (that's around 1900+ hours), so, hopefully I'll be able to stay awake for the duration of the shows.
Suddenly felt like watching "My Sister's Keeper". Or maybe reading the book instead. no idea why though.

On a side-note, I think Abigail Breslin is just adorable. Hahaha.
And I'm thinking maybe I should have headed back to Singapore for Christmas instead. Yeah, I know I'm a Chinese, so Chinese New Year should be a bigger of an event right? But CNY is more like a family event thingy. Meeting up with friends on Christmas, specially after not seeing them for almost a year seems more apt. And then maybe huddled round a table in a cafe, having hot drinks while it's pouring horrendously outside. Hahahaha. Listening to too much Christmas songs.
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