I don't believed I had mentioned one of the jobs I managed to get. But I'd quit after a single day of work. It's not worth killing my back for it.
So, basically, I worked there as a cement mixer. Mixing & just mixing cement all day long. And wheelbarrow it into the house for the plasterers.
So, that's the end of my days as a cement mixer. An eye-opener. But never going back ever again.
Anyway, well, after the cement mixing job, was suddenly called to worked at the factory on the following Monday afternoon. So, drove down there & started work. Been working there for 2 weeks now. The factory's going to close shop within the week though. Then I'll be left with 3 weeks before my return to the sunny island of Singapore. Am still wondering if I should attempt to locate another job during that time. Maybe I'll try for a seasonal one, for the Christmas period. But it's kind of troublesome around here without a car. That limits my job choices by many many factors.
A bit of the pictures taken from me working at the factory.
And I guess that's about it for any work related post, till I managed to get a new one.
Sometimes, I don't like watching trailer very early in advance. Like the trailer for "Thor", was out quite some time ago. But the movie won't be in theaters till May 2011, so says the trailer.
And the weekend was a horrible laundry weekend. I'd woke up at 1100++ hours. Worked the laundry till 1530 hours. The amount of undone laundry & done but unfolded laundry is scary. I had to do 3 loads of the washing machine for the undone one. It's 2 usually, 'cos of blacks/colours & whites. And there wasn't enough room to hang the clothes, resorting to the line I had constructed above the clothes hanging rack some months back 'cos there were quite a number of people in the house at the time. Scary stuff.
That's 'bout it for now, I guess.
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