What's Life? What does Life means to you?
To me, it's Living through it, experiencing things the World can throw at you. Going through the whole palette of emotions. Going through the highs & the lows. Experiencing weird & phenomenal things and calling them magic. Life's like a game with no save points & retries? But hey, I'm only 21, turning 22 years old this year. Who am I to say & judge all these magic?

If only life was as simple as what is portrayed in pictures. I seriously don't like complicated stuff. But, I guess, sometimes, one just needs to make things much more complicated than it seems in order to survive, make peace, get out of shit. But that's the equivalent of excuses. Oh wells.
Does things get so much more complex at a certain point in life?
Anyway, I feel that the perspective of life/kinship is changing from last generation to this generation. That, or people start to change once they reach a certain age, deemed the previous generation. Yes, that's euphemism for getting old, but no offense to anyone.
Is it correct of me to assume that people's view of an issue is heavily dependent on their values & beliefs? If this is true, then who teaches or imparts these values & principles? Obvious answer would be parents, no? If that is so, then how is it that the values & beliefs differ from one generation to the next? Of course, this is just a slippery-slope-like train of thought, but there are obvious reasons as to why parents are referred here.
So, some says, that the generation today has no 'heart'. This is with relation to families & relatives. And as such, the previous generation gets upset with the current one, complains, argue, fall out. Dangerous aye? Also the matter that to us, current generations, friends are more important than blood ties. If that were so, then what of the saying that blood is thicker than water they use at times. Especially at times advising us against certain socially-unacceptable friends.
Well, I have to agree that perhaps, the family unit is not placed so high up as compared to in the past. And I agree that blood ties are important. But I guess that is as far as I would agree with them?
Looking at today's society, I would say that the family unit would certainly be less regarded as compared to the past. Simply because households are getting smaller & smaller. Why, the number of cousins one have could easily equate the number of siblings the parents have (or not, but I'm just exaggerating a trend here). So, what I'm trying to say is that it is quite possible in today's society, that friends becomes families in some situation. More so when they see each other everyday. Be it schooling students or working colleagues. Usually, students are the one, since workplace isn't the most conducive for friendship sometimes, what with the office politics.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that the blood ties aren't important to us anymore. It's just that, it's harder for us to actually go do something. More so when the kins aren't staying nearby, don't see each other much due to clashing schedule. And it's not like the most comfortable feeling to just warm up seats & then leave the place, and which involves a significant amount of time spent traveling. Naturally, this would usually mean that one goes over to visit only if there's an objective, is that right? Then again, that does seem a little superficial.
How does then one let others know that they are not forgotten & the likes. That, I've no idea.
Back to values & principles, I guess at a young age, there's no such things. But our actions would mostly be governed from our parents. And peers, which carries on through to the later parts of schooling days. Guess parents are playing less & less of a part in governing the child? More so with things like computers, internet, gaming consoles, mass media, etc. Oh the devil. This is making my head going in circles. Shall stop.
Just love this picture.
So, Saturday was the Primary School gathering. I wouldn't say it's a total fail. Just that, the deciding of locations & such stuff was quite a fail. In all, 8 people went, including me.
There was this band playing today, supposedly called The Good Fellas/Fellows(?), if I'm not wrong. And in my opinion, they were pretty good. I would give them a, not your average DIY-get-together-garage-band type of band. Nice vocals, good rhythm. Nice.
The 8 of us. There were 4 caucasians sitting at the back, on higher grounds. They decided they would participate in our group photo as well. Haha. I find that there's a tendency that young, male, caucasians like to do such stuff.
And the night was whiled away at Timbre Substation. Good choice of Timbre for the night I say, 'cos of the band. Haha.
Alrighty then. That's all folks. Back to watching Bones.