1 month left. That's fast.
Well, the photos aren't exactly in order of events occurring. Anyway, the 3 above were from 190111. Basically, me & my brother rented a car out for the day. Namely went to Rochester Drive, Holland V for dinner, Dragon Kiln, Kampong Buangkok. And I really don't like to drive around the central district. Stressful place to drive in. More so when I don't know the roads at all. Hahaha.
The Geyland Tau Huay Club. Or the Geylang 6. Met up for dinner at Chomp Chomp on 200111, which Mark failed to attend. Headed for this dessert place. They had awesome durian mousse there. And I just love the models there.
210111. The last photo was quite interesting. We were actually venturing around, searching for a restroom or the tram out of the place. But we could find neither. Found a toilet, but think it was closed off. And the tram? It was an ultimate fail. We were literally wandering around for half an hour or even more before we even managed to find our way out.
So, yeah, we were wandering around when we chanced upon this place. Both sisters were exclaiming how pretty a place it was. Erm... Me too. But not pretty-pretty per se. More like, pretty-cool. HAHAHA. Nevermind. Pretty-pretty will do.
It's a nice place. Different mood, feel, vibe. Feels like being overseas.
And I realised, that the photos are actually in order. Haha. Nice.
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