Back from school & dinner with mum. Long weekend's started. *Woo~hoo~* Anyway, just to mention that I was extremely pressured just now. Imagine, 2 teachers with your parent, sitting at a round table with you, discussing issues about you. How horrible can that get? I think it would be the first & last time it'll happen? Gosh... *faint*
星期五, 四月 27, 2007
星期四, 四月 26, 2007
Just came back from class... Looks like tomorrow's Geog is a goner. Damn... And I was still thinking of getting a passing grade just to show that tutor that I can. Argh... Nevermind... Shall do what I can... *sigh*
So, long weekend after tomorrow. Yipee~ Shall find someone and go out with me. Oh, did I ever mentioned that I have this Oral Comm Programme going on now? Well, the trainer, Mr Quah, he's just absolutely amazing. The way he speaks... Gosh. And he's extremely good with the tongue twister. Damn...
Anyway, just watched this clip on YouTube, showing a little 9 years old girl playing the piano. Thought it was pretty amazing from what I usually see. *laughs*
星期一, 四月 23, 2007
Screw It
Pardon me. Please...
FUCK.Fuckin' fuck fuck.
Damn it. I just can't take anymore of that fellow anymore. It's like every time I see that fellow, I want to slaughter the living day lights out of it. "Blah blah blah, blah blah. Blah blah, blah blah?" AHHH!!! FUCK IT! So fucking irritating & spineless. Stop talking so much! Stop acting so much! JUST. GET. LOST. Argh... That's for Fellow No.1.
Damn. I can't take anymore of Geography. Seriously. Every time I look at the question, every time I see Geog, I think of the tutor railing away. Babbling away. As if anyone who takes Geog is bound to have an interest or passion for it. I need to get away from the school's Geog department.
Sunday was fun, if it weren't for the fact that I have school tomorrow & a GP test. Stayed over at my aunt's house last night, so came back & headed out for class. Afternoon, my brother & sister-in-law came! Hehehe... *smiles* The small one was just so adorable! Just so indescribable. Kawaii! *laughs* But the big one wasn't so well-behaved. But she's still cute anyway. =P Mid-afternoon, me & Mr Krabbs went to Sim Lim Tower & Square. Stayed there for a while to look around & buy some stuff. Funny how we didn't had enough money to pay for 2 cups of drink. So embarrassing! *sssh* What's the conclusion? I didn't complete any work for the weekend. Hmph.
And now, today, Monday. I Fuckingly Freakin' hate Mondays. Had to put up with No.1. Thankfully, Geog was cancelled, so nothing to add to the fire. BUT. What really Fucking disses me off was during the 2 hour break I had. Trust me. A COMPLETE IDIOT TO HAVE TRUSTED THEM. FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! !!! BAAHHH!!! FUCK!!! Damn. This fucking must have been the fucking most number of fucking times I've said the word "Fuck" in such a fucking short amount of time. Fuck. I'm not going to talk to them anymore. Fucking screw my life. The next time they do something similar, they're dead. DEAD. I can see... oh wait...
...the headlines: "YJC Massacre: Boy goes on killing frenzy" Muahahahaha! *evil laughter*
I'm terribly sorry girl for what I've done & not done...
"Damn FUCKERS. Now, I have no idea what to do. Fucking Fuckers."
I shouldn't have trusted them.
"I just want to rip them apart. Head to toe."
I've yet to reply her, 'cos I've no idea what to say.
"Let me out. Let me free. Let me slice 'em up good."
This is the second time such an event happened.
"And I've promised myself never to do such things again? Screw you!"
Today's CT time was neat. YJ actually had such an amazing teacher. Her singing was so wickedly mesmerizing. And the guy, gosh, his piano was just stunning.
Right now, I just don't feel like doing anything else anymore. So many things happening all at once. Not to mention that I've got my mum meeting my teachers tomorrow. Damn... I cannot imagine what's going to happen. Sigh... Must be strong, Edward! Don't lose to the voice inside your head!
Take a gun & shoot thyself in the head

星期四, 四月 12, 2007
Lousy Week
Alright... Tuesday was really a baad bad day. Somethings just happened. It wasn't all that bad till it came to Geography class. 'Cos my group didn't prepare for the essay presentation, we got sent out of class. Now, that's really going to kill any hopes left for Geography. I think I'm going to flunk my Geography A's. The one & only. *laughs* Some more, it was my very first time to be sent out of the classroom! (I'm a good boy, I know... *sticks tongue* ) So, that's it for Geography. I think I'm beginning to hate Geography more & more. But oh well, must be discipline & persevere on!
I finally know how those seemingly defiant students feel. It's just keeps building on & on, such a vicsious cycle. And I must really thank my friends... I don't know what I'll do without them.
So, I was feeling really upset over Geography. I went to library then came out. I saw the Mixed Veg Stall Auntie when I was outside. She asked me where the G.O. was, so I directed her there. You know, it's really amazing when you help someone, anyone. It just makes your day so so mmuch better. Especially when both of us were smiling and haha-ing away. Then at the bus-stop, while waiting for bus, this senior citizen asked me something 'bout the timings for his concession. Amazing. I've never had so many questions directed at me before. *laughs* But it feels good...
Wednesday was quite suck as well. I met with sista to go sista-in-law house. (Skipped CCA, I did) Then went for ODAC. It was an utter failure. Just so hate doing the dry stuff. Nevermind, PRAY next week it's DragonBoat time. Had a meeting on the camp. And that's that. (I think & hope that the camp is going to be a hell of a time! Hehehz. )
So now, today's Thursday. Just came back from dance class. Sitting on this director chair, blogging. This saturday's plans are already made. Can't wait to see my secondary school mates again. OH! And today, when I came back home, saw this issue of "i WEEKLY". Chilli peppers... Felicia Chin is HOT. And I repeat, HOT. *sticks tongue*
Not very looking forward to my mum meeting my teachers. Alright, maybe it won't be so bad. But Geography tutor? Hmmm... Have to seriously consider how I'm going to wriggle myself out of this mess. Thankfully, all my other tutors ARE THE BEST!*smiles*
Rights. Going to have my shower & study for tomorrow's Chemistry test.
On a side note, it actually feels great to go one whole day without the handphone. Felt so free... *laughs*
星期五, 四月 06, 2007
Whew~ Had a crazy day today, running here & there.
Went to meet up with Xinyi, Martin, Curina, Lionel, Minyi & Shihui at Northpoint. We're gonna celebrate Susanna's Birthday! They gave her surprise, allied with the mum some more. But the stupid prata uncle screwed it up. They allowed Sana to guess something was going on... Dang... Nevertheless, still celebrated. I tell you... Xinyi looks damn fierce when she's.. erm... I don't know what's that you call. *crossed-mouthed* Lolx. So, went down to Lower Pierce Reservoir.

After that, went off to mug with Sista, Neighbour & Daughter. *sticks tongue* Met them at the NEW Mac opposite Ang Mo Kio Library. So, they got chased out of the place when I reached. That's funny. So, headed down to Central's Mac. Spent some time there, trying to solve Maths but to no avail... *haiz* BUT! WE. WILL PERSEVERE! Well, anyways, Sista went to meet Sista-in-law, then a little while later, I zoomed myself to Pasir Ris, Downtown East NTUC Resort. Celebrating my niece's, Jomaine, Birthday there! Saw a few of me cousins! *smiles*
Couldn't eat much over there, 'cos someoneS stuffed me with food earlier on in the afternoon. Of course, I don't blame them... After all, they're my buddies! *Yipee* Was over at the resort for only a few hours. Went there, ate, sang birthday song, eat, played cards, then went home. Simple & soothing. You know, like those happy-family-gatherings in the movies... Something much like that, I presume. Dang... I'm just so lucky to have such a beautiful family... *smile*

So, now, here I am blogging, when my brother's off to Zouk, with my cousin & her friend. Well, at least I have my lovely little cosy bed & my neat memories today to accompany me to sleep. *blehz*
星期日, 四月 01, 2007
Surprise, surprise!
Well, this day is SATURDAY. It's 310307. It IS a day to remember. The 4E2 (less than half though) celebrated Andrew's birthday for him. We lied that it was Steve's birthday, and he still insisted it was Steve's birthday even though we shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!" He was like stunned. Damn. He should be touched, he should be crying at home now. *laughs* The scrapbook we made was like awesome. It was sista Valerie & Siewhoon's work. But we took a long time to choose the paper. We thought the colour combination sucks, but it turned out fine! Hahaha. Everyone was like, "I also want this book for my birthday!" Lolx. Even though not everyone turned out, but it still felt great. Seeing the E2s together again was a feeling too indescribable. In fact, there are no words for it, and there never will be a word for it. Hehz...
So, after that, Mitchell, Ian, Yong Hao, Yuting, Andrew they all went to play pool. Hekming headed home to rest. Siewhoon, Audrey, Valerie & Lulu went to chill at Coffee Beans. Saw JiaJun walked past a few times. Haha. That green jacket was just so prominent. So, we talked & had a few laughs before heading home. We've also decided to meet up every week (was it) to study! We're meeting this Friday already! Whee~ Oh, and to Joseph, sorry for not reminding you of today's plan... Really sorry... *crossed mouth*
4E2. The Legacy will live on. Forever.
Oh, and to the 4E2s, I'll be uploading all our gatherings photos once again at the website. So, if you want the pictures, just have a look, remember what photos they are, then tell me. I'll send them to you. *winks*
That's all for now, I suppose. It's getting late and I've got a long, long day tomorrow ahead of me... Nights.