finally, a time to let me wind down for a little while.. =] alright, maybe not, monday was far far more relaxing.. the visit to BK & wanting to test out tt Double Whopper with Cheese (i didn't, lack of fundings) and then the walk to polyclinic, back home, then out again to the bus-stop.. =] A BIG THANK YOU to you girl.. =] thanks for the moment. =] well, anyway, just on the same day (looking at class photos), and reading jean's blog (that meanie... write such stuff, make me wanna cry one.. wahahax. nevertheless, it was still good old times.. =] thx for jolting my memory jean!! ) .. realised how time have fly.. how many things have changed.. I really miss you guys!! Can't wait for the next crazy gathering! =P E2 chalet in December? But then again, scare I can't make it.. hahax. =X And to all those not in E2, well.. let's just find time and gather once every now and then, shall we? =]
Hol's ain't much of a hol' this september.. So much work, tests when school reopens, promos.. hai~~ schedule is just soo packed. The e-mail recieved from SoonKuey & Nic, well, 谢谢你们两位! Really motivational.. It seems like you guys DO care, despite all those ehz.. right, nvm.. HAHA. =]
Tuesday, woke up quite early.. at 0730.. had to go down to BB HQ concerning the overseas CIP trip.. sorting of the clothes.. gosh.. the condition of those clothes were like.. atrocious... hahaz. anyway, it took us lesser than expected, i think.. yea~ cool. Then went to Great World to had lunch.. Some went to Yoshinoya, the rest went to KFC.. =] not enough space to squeeze all of us together larz.. Then took train back with Terrence, YuTing and HanSheng.. =] took 195 to get back to Tiong Bahru, thanks to Yuting's info that it will pass by some *ahem* school.. AHAHAHAz. But sadly, it didn't.. haha. nvm, will have lotsa chances in the future.. =] Got home, watched quite some bit of "Rave: Groove Adventure" (anime).. went to bath then slept till 1900.. gosh.. my bro was also slping, but he woke up earlier than me, had to go work.. I think i'm also going to work part-time liaoz.. But dunno will have people wanna hire not.. hahaz. yea~ Might not seem a clever idea now, due to coming promos, but what other choices do i have? Hmmz.. hahaz. NVM!! It's challenging. Love a good challenge, provided nothing to do with academic stuff.. =P
Now, listening to Rasmus's songs, Lucifer's Angel & Ghostbusters (YES!! GHOSTBUSTERS!! =D AND do you know there's an alternate version to Spongebob's Theme? Check them at the playlist section!! =P ).. Quite love them.. GO RASMUS!! hahaz.
OH YAR... Just the other day, watched "Winne the Pooh: Springtime with Roo" on Disney Channel.. SOOO ADORABLE!! THEY. ARE. JUST. SO. DARN. CUTE. =]=] manz.. and to think some fella dunno what a Heffalump is.. ahahaz. NAH!! Show u what a heffalump is.. =P then, I think i'm falling in love with Winnie the Pooh & all.. =] it's okay rite? As in, normal? Hahaz. Yea~ of course it's normal.. hahaz.
Hmmmz... Just listened to a few more songs.. OSTs from "Nightmare Before Christmas" & "Corpse Bride" .. really cute.. =] realli like both of that show.. *jack...!*
Alright, I dunno what I'm gonna write next... HMMZ.. I thought that I had lotsa stuff to write about, but apparently, I forgotten quite a lot of them... =/ I think i'll go watch "Armageddon" now to get some inspiration.. I think that show is lik a quite a touching show..Okays.. I'm watching David Blaine now.. hahaz. I just think that's he sooo cool.. He's lazy attitude and all.. hahaz. "Pick a card~... Any card~.. " wahahahaz.
wa~ wah~~ ahh~~~ I wish that scenes from "Armageddon" or "Independence Day" would come now.. hahaz. End of the World!! okay, enough edward.. that's not good, is it? =]=]
Yesterday, there's a field trip to Jurong Isle.. =/ wasn't realli lking forward much to it.. but it's a required fieldtrip and there's graded assignment.. hai~ I wldn't mind if we're going on foot, that is walking ard the isle, visitng the facs... yea.. but we're going on bus to tour the isle.. how sucky can it get? hahaz. Anyway, the fieldtrip DID turn out to be boring... Such a waste of time... one whole morning, wasted just lik that! Damn... Alright, that's bout it... thus far.. and manz.. that scene from "Armagaddon" where they're bout to board the planes, with the President of America making a speech.. like whoa~~ so cool.. hahaz. I also wanna be lik 'em!! =X hahax.
right... i think that's bout it larz.. I realli cant crack my brain anymore as to what to write liaoz.. hahaz. Nitez... Lking forward to tml aftnn, where i may get the chance to clear some hmwk... =]=]
And damn that freakin' (censored-censored-censored-censored). "edward, pass the remote control over" And freakin' change the channel. "I AM STILL watching that show lehz.." "Watch so many times still watch, so nice mehz?" C'mon.. people think that the show is nice, so will watch de marhz.. else why i go switch to tt channel rite? (More censorship) C'mon, i noe u're home, tired aft long day of work.. wanna unwind, relax.. BUT STILL, at least have the freakin' courtesy to ask if you can change the channel? HUH.. Like is it so damn hard to ask? ARGH.. (Many much more censorship... =/ )
Right.. some random photos i suddenly feel like putting.. ='] sobs..
(but seemed to be having a little problem with it.. =/ )
(And i can't seem to put up my family picture!! and some others also.. Argh..)
jus recently taken..
some time ago.. but still within tis yr..
kays.. quite long ago liaoz..
on dap's (gal in pink) b.dae.. realli miss the gd old times.. =]
another recent photo.. first grp photo with 110?! =]
*sobs.. so touched..*
during 1st 3mths, Po4! When we ponned MT tut..
at markie's hse!! crazy fellow, tt guy..but he's alright.. =]
alright, realli long ago.. at ubin.. =]
u noe wat.. i realli miss going to ubin to cycle.. anyone free? date me there.. =X
alright.. my gymmates.. those tt i learn & suffer with.. =] those were hard but fun times.. =]
left to right: top;middle;bottom row : weisiong, chinhuat, eric, wenxing, alan, sinweng, edward, nelson, kelvin =]
hehehz.. the gym pp!! but not all here, sadly.. =[
alright, some slackers in gym.. =P right to left:yiling, yunting, jean, siewhoon, edward

my trip to Perak, Malaysisa.. it was great/fun/exciting/indescripable.. =]

HAHA. Since i cldn't get the recent one, got the old one.. me w/ cousins n grandma.. =]
Right.. now time to rush hmwk.. =]