Week past, there was an exercise. Summary exercise for our specialisation. And it was... pretty much pointless, much less simulating a war/mission. We actually deployed out in the open. And well, with that, there's some other nonsense that went on. With the specs, that is. They're like... I don't know. But of course, that's not the whole lot of them. It's only a selected few that made the whole crowd looked bad.
Okay, enough with NS. The week before, celebrated Kuoen's, Soonkuey's & Shengyu's birthday at Kuoen's. That was on Sunday. I had actually intended to stay around and helped out with the shopping. But turned out, I stayed till the birthday cake. Damn, I'm really too playful for my own good at times.
Saturday, was drawing No.1 at SAFTI. No.2 at Nee Soon. Took us a ridiculously long time. Still, managed to meet Sharon on time. Was being gay while helping her out. *laughs* Oh no. Can't imagined what I'll turn out like on the screen. *gasps*
This week. Kind of sucks. Booked out Friday, as usual. Saturday, woke up at the unearthly hour of 0430. Went to Nee Soon for ATP. And yes, that means the whole day gone. Sigh~
Sunday evening, met up with Audrey, Lulu & Valerie. Went on over to give Siewhoon a surprise visit! Hahaha. If you ask me now, the idea's kinda of gay. *laughs* Oh well, the bunch of us had did some pretty gay stuff together. Ahaha. Yep, so it was like that. Stayed for a while before leaving for dinner.
After dining, hopped over to what-is-that-you-called-the-shopping-mall-at-Senkang. Yeah...... [ XP ] Starbuck-ed there.
Oh, and Lulu had actually left her phone at Siewhoon's. Turning round to retrieve it, we went ahead to the Starbucks. Heard some pretty dramatic stories from Audrey ∓ Valerie there. Pretty shocking news to me. Hmmm... Maybe shocking might even be an understatement.
When she finally came to rendezvous with us, she actually missed us! Walking pass just like that! Damn... she ought to wear specs.
Enough 'bout my happenings.
Now's October. It's only a matter of weeks now. Till the end of my training. But. It's just that, it seems so far away. Our specialisation is already like, over & done with.
What's left now? The coming week (which is nothing much, really. 'Cept for the 16km route march) & our dear Cresendo trip. That's going to approximately 13 to 14 days of hell.
Frankly speaking, I've no idea how I was able to made it this far. It seems pretty amazing to me.
I know some of my mates, they do it for the pride, the honour & such. Well, I'm not really doing it for that. Some, they make it through with support from the family. Or friends. Or love-ones. Me? My friends... Okay, I guess. They do provide encouragement. Family. They don't even ask much. Loved ones? Does that include family/friends? *laughs*
So, thinking back, I really wondered what made me pulled through all the nonsense that I've been through. HMMM... Perhaps I should do some reflection on this.
Oh! By the way, people. I won't be around from the 2nd of November, till the 18th. That's when I leave for my training. Yeah...