NDP 2008
Alright. This week to come, I don't think it'll be a very fun or even nice time. But oh well, what has to come, must come. And I'll have to face it.
Booked out Friday night. Hop over to Northpoint to find it under renovation. Damn. So, headed home unaccomplished.
Saturday, went to watch NDP with Daphne. Say, this year's performance... Better than last year? I feel that way. At least there isn't that funny-looking fire/fish-looking dude narrating. Fireworks were awesome, though there wasn't as much as last year's.
On the way there, actually, when just outside the platform, saw my 大哥. What a coincidence! Hahaha. Looks like he had some business going on there. Still could remember that I saw Jasmine during last year's NDP. *laughs*
Oh, also felt that this year's parade, like shorter like that. At least it feels shorter. Alright, had enough of typing everything out already. I believe photos would do more talking than saying it all out. BUT. Photos shall be up another day. Feeling much too lazy to do the photos right now, you know, with the weather and all... Ahhh~ Feeling so sleepy and lethargic as well... Just. Don't. Feel. Like. Doing. Nothing. Much...
After the parade, headed to Marina Square for dinner. Never ever saw Marina Square that crowded before. Flooded by red. All the eateries were overflowing too. In the end, managed to get a table at Jack's Place.
Oh, oh. I love the hand thingy they gave out with the bag. Hahaha. And something really hilarious happened on our way there, inside Marina Square. Apparently, there was this bridal exhibition going on. Like c'mon, do we look THAT old? Hahaha.
That's all for now, I suppose. Hmph.
And hello xiaomei! *smile*
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