We come from many places...
Alright! I love long weekends. So, book out on Thursday night, booking in on Sunday night. How awesome is that? Traded my Labour Day off for a Friday off. Hehehz... *winks*
But this week was super slack. I repeat, SUPER slack. So now, everyone's in camp & I am at home.
But still, long weekend comes with a price. Got quite some homework (yep, you saw me right, homework) to do.
Ah, well, thanks to Kristelle for the short post. Hehz... I'm quite alright actually. Right now. There's only... 6.5months to the end of training. Excluding the last 3weeks. Hahaha. So, thank you very very much! *BIG smile*
Oh, oh! Just glad to say that I've finally got my new pair of Asics! Awesome... Got a blue coloured, though would have very much preferred red. But oh well, the blue ain't so bad looking as well. *all smiles*
Okay, technically, I was away for quite a long time, sorting out photos. Hahaha. Hopefully, I'll have the mood to put some in for this post. *stick my tongue*
Anyway, back to whatever I was going at. Which. i have no idea what.
Alright, why not let's start with my want-to-have-future-prospect? Hahahah. It's going to be boring. But who cares? Not I.
So, now I'm in NS. Once I finish my service, hopefully, I'll enter a University. Course, still thinking if I should do Engineering or some others like Japanese Studies or Psychology. Big difference, I know. At the moment, thinking of the latter ones actually. That's because of the career I want.
So, after graduating, I'll apply to be an Air Steward. Yep, you heard me. What better ways to travel the world and getting paid at the same time? *laughs* So, that'll be for 5years, get the bonus. Then maybe rest for some time. Half a year to a year?
After all the fun & enjoyment, maybe, just maybe, go into some hotel management. BIG hotels, not small ones, mind you. Don't mind starting at the bottom of the management. I'll WORK my way up there! Hmph.
Yep. That's basically about it. Quite different from what I want to be when I was just a small kid. But oh well, I have to be practical. Living in Singapore, there's not a lot of choice to make as a career...
OH! Did I ever mention that I love PT sessions in camp? Hahah. One of my most enjoyable moments. But the standards there are off the charts. It's nothing like BMT. We have people doing 20+ pull ups, instead of zero fighters. We have people leaping 260, instead of your minute hop of I-don't-know. Everyone does above 50 sit-ups in 60seconds. A few insane would do more than 60 (for your info, that's more than 1sit-up in a second). Shuttle run is... everything under 10.0sec. Totally crazy huh...
Well, if you think that's amazing, wait till you see the 2.4km run. A whole bunch of people start coming in at 9:30. I've never seen anything like that. Back in BMT, 9:30 was considered very good already. Hahaha. And naturally, everyone has some form of build. Well, that's OCS for you.
Ahahaha. Very well... that should be all for now. I want to go do other things already, instead of just blogging. *BIG smile* Good-bye. For now. =)

So, there's Keith, Jerome, Meixing, Shermin. Went out for a drink.

This is where I am now...

And this is where I'll be 7.5 months later. *wink*
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