星期六, 三月 15, 2008

Victoria, Happy Birthday

Truthfully, somewhere within me, I don't feel like blogging. Why? 'Cos there's always some other things which I'd like to do. But then again, in another part of me, I still want to continue, 'cos it's like a waste to all my other previous posts if I just stop.

So, after P.O.P., what are my few main happenings in my life? First thing first, I want to grumble about the fact that adult fare is so so so very expensive. Like, I have to top my card 2times in just a few days of my leave. *headache* I can see most of my pay going towards transport cost...

Okay. So, what else is there? Let me see... Thursday. Thursday... Oh yeah, I remember now. Morning, went for breakfast with Audrey, Lulu & Yuting at AMK's Mac. Siewhoon was supposed to join us, but due to work, she can't. Can't believe what the employer is thinking of.

Anyway, before that, I already had my own breakfast. So, my breakfast with them was at about 1050 till 1120. Haha. More like brunch.

Halfway through, my brother actually messaged me, asking if I want to go with him & my cousin (henceforth known as JieJie) to go and do a mini-celebration for another cousin of mine. Quite surprised actually. Hahaha.

Yup. Went down to Raffles Place (that's where she's working), lunched at Coffee Club. Song, we had sung & a cake she had. Oh, oh! There was this card which was like super cute. *laughs* Trust JieJie to find this kind of card. A pop-up card with overflowing messages.

Here's some, if not all, the photos.

This is the Birthday Girl
Her with my brother
Her with my cousin (JieJie)
And last, the 2 of us snakes
Just realised. 3snakes + 1cow. Ahahaha.
Haha. Everyone has a blur side to them. *wink*

Seems like the post is getting a bit long. Sorry 'bout that, shall cut it short now. Thankfully, today's Saturday. So, at most 3days of updates. *sticks tongue* Friday, again, went out with friends. Or did I? No, no. I didn't. Went over to my cousin's house. Hop on a ride to Bishan, had lunch, back to her place.

We had roamed about the J8 a little. Actually saw Zhixiang with his girl, I think. Night time, strolled to Kampong Glam CC for lion dance practice. Typical Friday.

Then Saturday. Went for the NUS Open House. Not as happening as NTU's though. Had met a lot of people there. Rather nice to see them all. So, who did I met?

Not in any particular order: Shuhua, Xuelin (my NS buddy), ZhiHan (Section-mate), Yaozong, Daphne, Rachel, Valerie, Keith, Jerome, Mingjie, Shermin, Xiangren, Chinkim, Jamie, Benjamin Loh, Henrietta, Alan, Luke, think I saw my neighbour too & honestly, I can't remember anymore, if there is.

Oh, my party? They were Audrey, Lulu, Siewhoon & Yuting, who is more interested in SMU. Hahaha. Yup, yup. Victoria was there too. But didn't see her anywhere. Ahah. Oh, was kinda surprised to see Shermin together with Keith they all. *laughs* Not saying anything bad 'bout you guys, no offence, serious.

Took our time over to Carl's Junior, P.S.. Wanted to catch a movie, but the theater was unfriendly to us.

Then I think I lost my sanity there. Browsing through the books at MPH, I kept recommending all kinds of books to my mates & myself. Those about romance, teenage years, single-hood, being successful, how to be a genius, apologizing, etc, etc, etc.

Really went bonkers inside there. Maybe due to the fact that I hadn't seen so much books in a while. So, well, it kinds of get overwhelming.

Lastly, went over to my grandma's place for dinner.

And please, don't tell me that coming back home is the last thing. 'Cos that's absolutely a logical thing. *laugh*

Some of the things we ate:
Chicken Pie
Some pasta thingy
The fish & chips. It's really good.

Yup, so we had these at The Coffee Club over at Raffles. It's a really good place to chill out, hang around with friends. Gets kind of packed during meal times though, due to the numerous office workers there. The chicken pie I had, as well as the fish & chips were really good. So was the pasta thingy. Ahah. Sorry, but forgot the title of the dish already. Overall rating from me? 4 out of 5.



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