There's a Child in Everyone
Came back from Chalet (with Siewhoon, Yuting, Valerie, Samuel, Lulu, Audrey & Hongkit) on the 4th.

It was a chalet like no other. Really. It felt... Different. It wasn't like your usual chalet where everyone wanders off to have fun. Well, we did. But just not so much. Most of the time was spent idling away, enjoying, relaxing, taking in the moment. At least for me (though I distinctively know I was hooked onto the Anti-social Device for some time).
So, there was a lot cards playing (mainly Bridge). VCDs watching through the night. Digging for a message-in-a-bottle. Chilling at a beach bar. Revealing the younger side at the playgrounds.
Oh, did I mention how sad we were when we discussed the issue of adult fare? Hahaha. Well, it was a devastating shock to us.
It's time to move on.
Read the last page of "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows" a while ago. Must say, Rowling finally let Harry grow up.
In my view, it's nicely wrapped up. And I love it. Always would have preferred the author to create the picture of the characters many years down the road. And well, she did. Call me a Harry Potter fan or whatever makes you happy. But, I love the book.
Well, it's about time I use my time wisely now. Only, what, 3 more days to my enlistment. Then, it's the shaved head which I'd donned for the most part of my Primary School days. Talking 'bout Primary School days, I've yet to met up with Rachel.
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