Eye-lids feelin' a little heavy now... Came home at 0500 yesterday. Slept till 0900 then off to class. *yawnz* Even my brother is tired. Some more, he had to go give tuition, but in the end, the other party cancelled it just like that. Damn...
So, wondering what I did last night to be back home so late? Let's just say went to eat PaPa's, MaMa's house, Hougang Mall to eat, back to their house, then off to Orchard. Though went K-ing (not really my thing) but then still enjoyed myself! Or else I would have fell asleep long ago. *sticks tongue* Was with my Jie, her fren Kass, her sis, Kor, his gf, Mr Krabbs & his gf. So, bascially, I was easily the youngest there. Haha. My cousin is already like one Chinese Zodiac span ahead of me. *sticks tongue*
Talking 'bout Chinese Zodiac, my jiu-jiu made a discovery! Haha. My mum's side of family, we have ALL the Chinese Zodiac Animals inside! Now that's quite something. *grinz*

Alright, just came back from my dad's side dinner gathering. 3 tables. Actually, it was more like a farewell for my smallest aunt. She's married to a Swiss, so she stays in Switzerland, but comes back every now & then. So, she's leaving this Wednesday. My cousins! Very cute pair. Hahaha. *smiles*

So, now gonna go bath & sleep. Damn. Everything for school tomorrow is not prepared. Neither have I done any research for the GP topics. Argh...
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