星期二, 五月 17, 2016


I happen to chance upon this article about this 17 years old boy who was, and still is, dissing about various things in the country. On youtube. I'd never really watched any of his videos, as tempted as I was out of curiosity. I still haven't watched any at this point in time. Simply because I refused to add that 1 view count to his videos. Silly, yes, I agree. 

Anyway, that's the basis. Following the article, there were some comments. The usual typical sarcastic ones to those cents worth of thoughts. Then there was 1 lengthy one. Something about UN's Human Rights Convention, freedom of speech, how the ruling party needs their own Dr Sean (Goodwill Hunting reference) instead of the boy. And... Reading that, I feel like a lot of people, both locally and internationally, aren't aware of something. So, I just want to put it out there.

I... Don't think Singapore is a member or even signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. *gasp* Can that really be true? I think it is. I remember collecting that memory from somewhere, sometime. Maybe while I was studying Military Law in the army. So, there you have it. Singaporeans do not enjoy, what is internationally recognised as, the basic form of civil and political rights.

'Nuff said.

Not too sure about human rights though. But given the track record, doubt Singapore would have signed that too.