星期六, 七月 28, 2012


Well. A little update.

Start of a new semester. Honestly, in my opinion, this semester would appear to be rather interesting. At least thus far. Finally undertaking an elective. "Understanding Architecture" it was. A little something, relevant to my field. Engineering might be relevant too. So is environmental science. But got to do a little something with some level of interest in it, isn't it?

And I've already planned to take Japanese (if there's any), for my next & sadly, last elective.

A little something from Japan. I'm thinking I might do little bit & pieces, since I probably won't have enough time to do everything at one shot.

So, this is my humble abode. Approximately 1.5 wide, 3.0m long? Cosy place. Stayed here for almost 2 weeks.

The first Hello Kitty display I saw. This was found at the souvenir shop in Tokyo Tower.

And the first ice cream I bought in Japan. Ume flavoured. Pleasantly sour.

If give a chance, I definitely would like to go back to Japan. I was actually thinking if I could do so next year again. This time around, with my own cohort, rather than joining the year 4s.

While the stay in Japan was awesome, it also served as a memory jolter & a reality check for, lack of better adjectives, situation back in Perth. It wasn't all that bad when I was back in Singapore for 2 weeks, since I was mostly busy & all. But the time in Perth was really horrible. It's only been 3 weeks since I was back, but it certainly did felt, at least, like a couple of months.

Frankly, it was something that I didn't want to bother anyone with. One, I'm stubborn. Two, I'm sure other people have their own better worries than mine. Still, thank you to those two (you know who you are, should you be reading this in the first place) who helped significantly along the way.

For me to be typing this out at 0115 hours, and still be feeling... Somewhat decent, I guess I'm pretty much over it.

Sudden thought. This is such a sappy post. Damn it.

But well, what's done is done. I had thought there was something going on. Cliché, but I thought there was something special. Or at least I was led/told to believe that there was. Then, in an analogically sense, black glutinous rice was added to the recipe for bubur cha cha. One can imagine what results.

After this, I can somewhat understand why some guys act the way they do. But still, I don't see a reason to do so. At least not yet.

Well, that's that. Closure on this chapter. Not that there's nothing left now. There still is. It just means that I'm already over what had happened & am, finally, going to move on.

Oh, and did I mentioned that I watched this animation "K-ON! The Movie" on the flight back to Singapore from Japan. It then got me into watching the animation series. I think I must had mention this before. I... Really loved it. And then I was thinking to myself: "Damn it. Why didn't I watch this before going to Japan."

Then, I probably would have spent time going to the actual locations where the authors/animators got their setting from. Yes. I'm that much of a geek/nerd.

But they're really cute. Great for brainless after-school/work/end-of-day entertainment.



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