星期二, 七月 03, 2012

Still love the city after all.

Wow. It's been a month since I last updated. But that's to be expected I guess. Been traveling quite a fair bit in the past 5 weeks. So much so that it's feeling a bit weird to be coming back to Perth right now.

And I guess, this update is more of like a... Just-blogging-for-the-sake-of-blogging-to-keep-this-blog-alive-so-I-shall-keep-blogging-kind-of-blogging-blog-post.

Well, been traveling Japan (I wished it was the whole of it), ever since the last post. And.. Then 2 weeks in Singapore. Mainly, it was to participate in my brother's wedding. Also, to take a break from other stuff I guess.

And I'd realised, after venturing to Japan, that perhaps, a city-dweller will forever remain a city-dweller. After going through Japan, I'd realised I really really love the hustle & bustle of a city life (nowhere the level of Perth though). And the vibrancy & liveliness that it brings about. There's just something indescribable & unspeakable about the activities in a city. I suppose that's what you call sense of place.

Well, that's about it from me. Actually, I'm just doing this while waiting for an anime to load/stream. Watching this anime called "K-ON!" I think it's a good one to pick up for first timers to anime. Light, funny, entertaining. At least to me.



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