It's been a while..
It's been a while...
Been getting busy over the past 2 weeks, including this. Flood of assignments. Then it's about 2 to 3 weeks break before the other flood comes in. How's that for a prediction. Guess I should get started on those before the whole bulk comes in.
Anyway, it was one of those days, you know, those just-like-any-other-days kind of days. Then my cousin sent me this link. And told me to read this particular article on within this link. Don't know the title, forgot. But I do remember this. "Normal porn for normal people." And I tell you, it was some motha'fucking sick shit. If you're interested, just Google the phrase in. You've been warned.
On hindsight, when do you determine if you're over an incident or you're just simply accepting the facts but still choose to linger in those moments? Sometimes, when I look at the artifacts, it brings back the memories. When the time comes, it brings me back to those days. But reality is, I'm in the present now. As such, when I reminiscence, it brings a smile to my face. It feels like an acceptance kind of smile. As if years had already passed. However, just can't help and think (or know) that there is still some sourness deep down inside. It's time to do some zen training.
There was another day, when a thought suddenly struck my head. There I was, approximately 0440 hours in my school's plotter room, thinking, maybe I should have done some graphic design or similar. One, I'm happier off when I think about myself drawing stuff for most of assignments, instead of writing essays & reports. And maybe I do have a talent for drawing after all, I figured. *shrugs*
What else...
Oh yeah, been thinking about picking up gymnastics again over here. Found a club, emailed them, no reply. Probably will try calling next week. If it's too expensive to join, chances are, my hopes not going to pull through. Then, it might be hitting the surfs for me. Then again, there will be the issue of my hair. Dry enough as it is, surfing is just going to make it worse. Uugh. First world dilemma.
And well, it's been a while...
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