星期五, 四月 08, 2011

Suspended till further notice.

Yes, as you can see, my blog is going to be on hiatus till the end of semester. Or rather, after all my assignments are handed in, since I don't really have papers to sit for.

Too busy already. What with work, studies, & a little of free time well spent.

I'm supposed to be working on my assignments now, trying to get them completed as I'm a little behind time. But it's not going very well for me. I've been stuck on the same piece the entire week. Wondering what's wrong with me. Seems like I've lost my drive or something.

Anyway, just to end this with a weird dream I just had. Yes, just had. Basically, what happened was that I got activated by the army. And we're supposed to be attending our briefing at this place called Buffet International something Hotel. I remembered the wordings for the location being italicised some more. I vaguely recalled the timing for the briefing was like, straight after my class. And the best part, it's all happening in Australia. Weird.



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