星期五, 五月 11, 2007

School. Was so-so today. Nothing much happened, except that the birthday boy got raped. *sigh*

But went out with the ODACs. To watched "200 Pounds Beauty"". Happy, happy. Hahaha. So, went to Toa Payoh, had pizzas (never knew a PizzHut existed in Toa Payoh). During dinner, we actually down-ed 2 bottles of cheese! *Gasp* Ahahaha. Cheese-maniacs. So, after that, went to catch the movie. It was pretty nice, briefly talking about how society places importance on image & appearance. But I suppose the main issue is about how a person may feel after going under the knife. Hmmm... Something to think about.

BUT, during the movie, something embarrassing happened!! Ahh!!! Just hope whatever happened in there, remain in there. *finger-crossed*

The train ride back was so crammed.


Blogger Jane said...

Ah I love Pizza Hut and the amount of cheese you can consume in one sitting there :)



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