星期三, 十月 19, 2011

On & Off

Went a bit of blog reading just now, when I had this sudden realization that blogging is actually a habit. I mean, I used to blog, quite often too, if I dare say. But even since the hiatus, my blog had just been traversing the vast universe of 1's and 0's. It isn't like I don't want to blog. I do, just that whenever I get started, I start thinking to myself, what the hell am I going to write? I tried recalling the big happenings in my life, but nothing much comes to mind. When that happens, I sort of just give up blogging for that day.

So, here I am again, blogging. Why? Mainly because I want to get into the habit of blogging. Again. I think it's a good thing for me, 'cos then, my memories are all stored somewhere. Kind of like a pensive, you know? Maybe, one day, when I'm free, I'll start writing all of them down. In this manner, when the world really comes to an end, hopefully, people in the future or, even more hopefully, my successors will come to know what my life was like and pass on some stories. You know how unreliable the internet and technology are when the world comes to an end. *wink*

So, as I've kept repeating myself, my life's been really hectic. So how hectic is it exactly? Let's see...

School on Monday, full day (Now, I know why Monday is usually considered the first day of the week).

Sunday, it's mostly spent rushing my assignments. And once in a while, if I've got the time to spare, spending time with Bunny. Monday's for school, and finishing up the weekly assignment generated from the tutorials. Tuesday, school early in the morning, afternoon spent doing assignments and group meetings. Wednesday, school in the morning, and afternoon to evening is spent at work. Thursday's the same as Wednesday. Exactly the same. Friday - work. Saturday, initially it was work. But the assignments started piling. My grades were suffering. And I was basically surviving on 2 to 3 hours of sleep daily, eating fast foods or instant meals at 'inappropriate' time and getting cranky as well as getting forgetful and hard to focus at times. Wonders how an additional day of work could get me so rushed. So, Saturdays are now purely for assignments now.

Think I'm starting to get the hand of this again...

Let's just hope it doesn't fade away.

And another thing, am currently holding 2 jobs. And I've been thinking of quitting one already. It's all quite complicating actually. Haven't been in the line for long, and feel like quitting already. Sigh... It's not that I hate it (doesn't mean I like it either), it's just a neutral feeling for it. That's not the main point though. The main point is that I'm feeling that I can't really commit to it. It sort of requires me to commit, and requiring to work as many days as I can. But I just can't. My course of study just don't allow that.

I like having, like, a, life with twists & turns. A spontaneous life where things spring up once in a while. Makes it exciting, you know. But having 3 of them together, or even 4, it just makes things difficult. You've got to deal with other things, while handling one or two. A great juggling act. And sad to say, I'm not a very good juggler of life. Fact of my life. I can only grit my teeth & deal my way through it.

The end result? Lack of sleep. Hahaha. Good thing that I didn't join the Singapore Society here. Yet. I think. Else, I won't even need to sleep at all. I'll probably go, who needs sleep? Sleep is overrated. Yup.

So, now that semester is over (waiting for one last paper to go), I'm going to catch up on my much needed sleep & get my life back in order again. I'm seeing an even busier third year now.

So, enough with my life's routine update. Am heading back to Singapore in less than 2 months. Now, that's exciting. Can't wait.

P.S. My hair is superbly long now. For a guy at least. And it feels so much of a shame to have it chopped off when I'm back in Singapore. Sigh~



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